Meet the Humble Hills Flock

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.

Abigail Adams

Humble Hills Homestead is an up-and-coming 4.7 acre homestead nestled in the Appalachian Plateaus of Pennsylvania.

Anna and a young pullet named Scratch

My name is Anna, the owner of Humble Hills Homestead. I started with the opening quote because it truly encompassed my drive behind starting this blog: learning. My blanket goal for life is to be a self-sustaining homesteader, and I have much to learn along the way. This blog will document my journey, and I welcome you to join me!

Meet the Flock

Of course one of our most popular attractions is the flock. If you’d like to meet them, check out this video:

What else is going on at Humble Hills Homestead?

What’s happening now: We are working toward expanding our flock for selling chicks, more eggs, and harvesting meat. Our beehives are still hanging out.

What is in the future for Humble Hills Farm? When we moved to our new farm in 2019 we left behind our garden so one of our first goals was to start a new, larger garden. We immediately built a greenhouse as well. The first year of gardening was a small success, and in 2021 I hope to apply my experiences from 2020 for a more successful harvest.

Our property has a moderate sized pond. The pond is in rough shape, but the end goal is to have a self-sustaining fish population. Further down the line I would like to start raising diary goats.

As of 2020, there has been some discussion of media expansion to YouTube.

What are secondary interests? Since you can’t have a homestead without trying to do it all, I have a lot of other interests that I will talk about on the blog:

  • Food preservation (including canning and fermenting)
  • Baking
  • Wine making
  • DIY projects (building structures, home goods, etc.)
  • Manufacturing, distribution, and sale of miscellaneous goods

As time passes, I’m sure I will become more organized and skilled in my presentation and photography. The internet world is welcome to join me. After all, knowledge is meant to be shared.

“There is no wealth like knowledge and no poverty like ignorance.”


For any questions, feel free to reach me via email at, or visit our “Contact Us” page.